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  • لمسة سحرية: شفرات بحواف مستديرة تساعدك على القص بدون جروح
  • قص بسهولة: مقابض غير متماثلة تناسب مستخدمات اليد اليمنى أو اليسرى للتحكم في القص بدقة
  • استخدام محكم: مقبض عملي للتحكم الكامل بدون الحاجة إلى دفع أصابعك في المقابض الصغيرة
  • مناسبة لإلهاء الطفل: مقبض وحافظة تخزين 2 في 1 يمكن للطفل حملها أثناء القص حتى يقلل من الحركة
  • قص دقيق: تصميم خالٍ من مادة بيسفينول أ وشفرات من الستانلس ستيل 

يتضمن المنتج: مقص أظافر وعبوة للإمساك والتخزين 

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العرض الإيجابي الأكثر إعجاباً

Take the fear out of cutting the tiniest nails!

I had the opportunity to utilize Frida Baby Easy Grip Nail Scissors on my 7-month-old daughter multiple times. Although I typically utilize standard baby nail clippers to trim my children's nails, I thought it might be nice to give the nail scissor a try. The Frida Baby brand is trusted greatly in...


العرض السلبي الأكثر إعجاباً

I wouldn't waste your money.

Second pair in a year and does not work! The first pair I got worked great until they completely broke out of the silicone. Customer service was great and sent another one but unfortunately the scissors do not open enough where I can't cut my little ones nails.

تم عرضه بواسطة 109 عملاء

Scissors vs Baby Clippers

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بواسطة RGBTravelGirl

من Encino,CA

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To start off, I have never been a fan of baby scissors. I have tried using nail scissors to cut my own nails and my oldest sons nails but I always feel like I have less control and can't get the right angle to get under the nail for a clean cut. I was hoping these baby scissors would be different, so I tried them for my one year old. The easy grip handles are wonderful. I love the grip - it is my favorite part about these scissors. Unfortunately, I have the same problems getting under my babies nails to cut her nails evenly. I still prefer baby clippers. Possibly I am just uncoordinated when it comes to nail scissors. I will say these are the closest I have come to liking scissors for what its worth. I would recommend these to moms that don't like clippers or have very soft and brittle nails.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Great and safe

تم الرفع

بواسطة Mere87

من Austin, TX

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So happy to have these around for our newborn/infant. They're pretty easy to navigate and have rounded tips to ensure a safe experience.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Easy clip

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بواسطة Littlebirdy

من Mobile Alabama

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I really enjoyed the Frida Baby Nail Scissors. They made clipping baby's nails easier and definitely a lot quicker. I was nervous to try them to begin with because I've Always used clippers but the scissors were very easy to use and they worked very well. They made it simple to shape up the nails. I will definitely use these again

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Fridababy never disappoints

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بواسطة Kmed5

من California

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These are some great nail scissors, they work well for trimming my toddlers nails. They're easy to grasp and to control. They trim perfectly. Love the unique handle style. Makes it easy to quickly trim my toddlers nails with ease!

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Easy grip

تم الرفع

بواسطة Pepperoni

من Dallas, tx

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These are absolutely wonderful. They take all the anxiety out of clipping baby/toddler nails. They are also great for trimming eyebrows.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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FridaBaby nail scissors are amazing!

تم الرفع

بواسطة leahbeah246

من Virginia

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For the first few months of my now 6 month old daughters life, we've been tackling her fast growing nails with a nail file. It's been working well, but now that her nails are a bit stronger, it just isn't doing the same job. These fridababy nail scissors are easy to use and allow us to cut her nails down much further in a quick and painless way. We don't have to cut them as frequently since we are able to get a closer cut to her finger! The one downside of these scissors is that they don't work ok thicker, stronger nails. I tried them on her toenails and they were too thick to work.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Easy to use!

تم الرفع

بواسطة Krazycow39

من Glendale, AZ

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

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Love the tool that keeps the little ones fingers still! It keeps a nice grip without hurting. The nail clippers have a soft, squishy grip and nice rounded edges. Cuts gently, with a little bit taken off at a time. Perfect for little ones with delicate nails. Also use these on my handicap son and they work well on him also. Would definitely recommend!

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Not my favorite

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بواسطة Cilyashley

من North Carolina, United States

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These are cute and come with a neat cover for them, but they don't work that well for me it's like the nail is to hard for them to trim. They also broke when trying to do the nails . I believe they would be great for a newborns nails or a baby only a couple months old but the nails on my 9 month old seems to be to hard . Overall the design is great .

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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I usually love Frida baby products

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بواسطة Couponwife01

من Des moines

مراجع مُصدَّق

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I recieved these nail scissors expecting it to make cutting my nephews nails easier. Long story short they aren't very sharp (which is great around babys) but that also means baby nail clippers make the whole experience faster. I usually just wait till he's asleep to do it.

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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Easy and safe

تم الرفع

بواسطة Galaxysrose

من Fort Irwin, CA

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

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I love these Easy Grip Nail Scissors so much! I was not only concerned about cutting his fingers but also about squiching little fingers if he stuck is fingers in the back. The soft rubber makes this problem non existent. The grip tool is a nice idea but he plays with it more than it's helpful honestly. It does however keep him occupied and from trying to stick little fingers between the blades. They are great and sharp enough to cut the nails with ease! Absolutely love them!

Easy and safe
Grip tool
Easy and safe

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