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  • لمسة سحرية: شفرات بحواف مستديرة تساعدك على القص بدون جروح
  • قص بسهولة: مقابض غير متماثلة تناسب مستخدمات اليد اليمنى أو اليسرى للتحكم في القص بدقة
  • استخدام محكم: مقبض عملي للتحكم الكامل بدون الحاجة إلى دفع أصابعك في المقابض الصغيرة
  • مناسبة لإلهاء الطفل: مقبض وحافظة تخزين 2 في 1 يمكن للطفل حملها أثناء القص حتى يقلل من الحركة
  • قص دقيق: تصميم خالٍ من مادة بيسفينول أ وشفرات من الستانلس ستيل 

يتضمن المنتج: مقص أظافر وعبوة للإمساك والتخزين 

عرض المزيد

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109 عروضكتابة عرض
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العرض الإيجابي الأكثر إعجاباً

Take the fear out of cutting the tiniest nails!

I had the opportunity to utilize Frida Baby Easy Grip Nail Scissors on my 7-month-old daughter multiple times. Although I typically utilize standard baby nail clippers to trim my children's nails, I thought it might be nice to give the nail scissor a try. The Frida Baby brand is trusted greatly in...


العرض السلبي الأكثر إعجاباً

I wouldn't waste your money.

Second pair in a year and does not work! The first pair I got worked great until they completely broke out of the silicone. Customer service was great and sent another one but unfortunately the scissors do not open enough where I can't cut my little ones nails.

تم عرضه بواسطة 109 عملاء

Their Products are the best

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بواسطة Denise62

من Sacramento CA

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This product is absolutely the best nail clippers for babies in the market. They are safe, easy to grip and I don't have to worry about hurting my babies delicate fingers. The tips are rounded for added protection. This is a definite game changer.

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Not the best I've used

تم الرفع

بواسطة Boymom2919

من Fishers, Indiana

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I always have liked the Fridababy products but this is the first time it didn't meet my expectations. It comes as a two piece set with the scissor like clippers and a case for storage. However, the clippers sit funny in my grip and when you squeeze, the metal feels very flimsy. Also, (on myself) I tried to clip a cuticle hangnail and when I'd put any pressure on the scissors, they'd just bend. I think the awkward grip was the part that just made the whole thing something I wouldn't recommend to my friends.

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I love this brand

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بواسطة Chelsbk21

من undisclosed

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These are the best nails clippers i have for my baby. I don't have to worry about them slipping from my hand and accidentally clipping skin. Very easy to use.

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works ok

تم الرفع

بواسطة Jess89


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I got this to see if it works better then the baby nail cutters i have and it does but doesn't at the same time... i would say its more for younger babies ages 6m or younger not much older then that as it gets tougher to cut after that point in their age. but over all works easier as you can cut in the exact areas you want and not a general area.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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easier to use than I thought!

تم الرفع

بواسطة moriah

من buffalo ny

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Love these for my toddler. this product is not just for new borns. my 2 year old is active and dificult to get his nails done. my favorite part of this product is that it will cut a more rounded shape to avoid jagged edges on the nail. this was easy to use but my kid is active no matter what we use ! Loved the simplicity and accuracy of this Fridababy product !

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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I love frida baby products!

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بواسطة AshedOrchid

من New Haven, MI

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I really enjoyed the scissor aspect for cutting my little ones nails. I liked the squeeze styled grip. And the carrying case doubles wonderfully as a distraction. The nail scissors themselves worked efficiently, but was a little bulky and could become hard to maneuver with little hands being trimmed. Overall it took me a minute to love it. The sqeeze grip is very relaxing. It's a great alternative to have!

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Nice one to try

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بواسطة Brightway

من New jersey

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I have a 2 year old at home and expecting twins in 2020, this would definitely come handy. I never tried such clippers for my first one. Since newborns have very delicates,in and I always felt scared whole trimming the nails of babies. I will try that with my son and newborns for sure. Friday any is a good quality brand, I have tried their other products but not this one. Thanks try it sampling

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Not as effective as Others

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بواسطة BekNYS43

من Columbia, MO

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I have the FridaBaby Clippers and they are fantastic but don't work as well on the feet. I saw these and figured I'd give them a try on the toenails. They are very difficult to get at the right angle to cut the nails and they left the edges bumpy. I will tick to the original nail clippers.

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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Must buy for baby

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بواسطة Cpellegrin

من Covington la

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I've always been afraid to clip my little one's nails. Cutting them with these scissors make it a thing of the past. They are easy to use and are very precise. I love that they have a round safe tip so baby doesn't get poked and the cover functions as something for baby to hold on to so that you can see their nails easier. I recommend these scissors to every parent that has had a difficult time clipping their little one's nails.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Great Design

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بواسطة MamaSchquigs

من Chantilly, VA

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This is a game-changer when it comes to trimming baby's nails. The lack of a sharp tip is crutial. I don't have the fear of accidentally stabbing my poor baby. And, if the baby does get a old of the scissors, they are less likely to hurt themselves. I love that it has a cover so they aren't just sitting out. There was obviously a lot of thought that went into the design of this product.

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