واقي الحلمات كلوزر تو نيتشر من تومي تيبي مع عبوة تعقيم - قطعتان

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تقسيم على دفعات 4 بدون فوائد بقيمة AED 8.75. يتعلم أكثر
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رقم المنتج

تعد مجموعة واقي الحلمات المكونة من قطعتين الخيار الأنسب لتوفير تجربة رضاعة مريحة للطفل والأم، فهي تأتي بتصميم يحاكي مرونة وحركة الثدي الطبيعية ليتمكن الطفل من وضعها في فمه والرضاعة بسهولة. كما تتوافق مع جميع أحجام الحلمات لتخفيف ألم الالتهابات أو التشقق في الحلمات دون التوقف عن عملية الرضاعة. يمكن تخزين المجموعة بسهولة في العبوة المرفقة المناسبة للحمل في أوقات السفر.

خصائص المنتج: 

  • يتميز واقي الحلمات كلوزر تو نيتشر بسهولة الاستخدام ليتمكن الطفل من وضعه في فمه بسهولة وتدفق الحليب من خلال الفتحات الثلاثة في طرف الحلمة
  • يمكن للطفل شم رائحة جلد الأم والإحساس به حول الواقي لنزعها بسهولة دون إزعاج طفلك عندما تصبحين مستعدة
  • تأتي مجموعة واقي الحلمات كلوزر تو نيتشر مع عبوة محمولة صحية لسهولة التخزين. تحافظ العبوة على القطعتين لتتمكني من حملهما معك في أي مكان طوال اليوم

مواصفات المنتج:

العمر المناسب: من 0 شهور فأكثر


عرض المزيد

لقطة العرض


من المستطلعين سوف يوصون بهذا لصديق

توزيع التقييمات

العرض الإيجابي الأكثر إعجاباً


I used these in the first few months of breastfeeding my son and have just rephrased as I'm expecting another baby in a few weeks. I was determined to breastfeed but, suffered terribly with pain, latching, mastitis during my first experience I almost have up. My mum recommended nipple shields and ...


العرض السلبي الأكثر إعجاباً


I bought this because it has a really good reviews. However Im a bit dissapointed, the shield wouldn't stick to my breast, had to hold it with my fingers while breastfeeding which made it frustrating for my baby as it was very loose. I wouldn't recommend this to my friends.

تم عرضه بواسطة 13 عملاء

Look good

تم الرفع

بواسطة Pinkc32

من East Riding of Yorkshire

مشتر مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


My baby didn't like these and wouldn't latch on but I only tried it once .

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Disappointing purchase

تم الرفع

بواسطة Scully2019

من Nottinghamshire

مشتر مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


Sadly the shields are not fit for purpose im my case the thick material they consist of does not fully secure to the breast and therefore falls of immediately when baby commences feeds. Hugely disappointing and caused a great deal of frustration and upset for me and baby.

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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تم الرفع

بواسطة Recw88

من Wales

مشتر مُصدَّق

تم عرضه في


I used these in the first few months of breastfeeding my son and have just rephrased as I'm expecting another baby in a few weeks. I was determined to breastfeed but, suffered terribly with pain, latching, mastitis during my first experience I almost have up. My mum recommended nipple shields and bought these which were an absolute lifesaver. If I didn't have them, I would not have gone on to have the positive experience that I did have in the end. Professionals give all sorts of "advice" on breastfeeding - none of which worked for me - and advised against nipple shields because they'll "mess up the latch" they don't. They help you get past the painful first few weeks when you and your baby are both learning from scratch and then you don't need them anymore. My son point blank refused to feed with them one day and that was it. I am eternally grateful to these nipple shields.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Saved my breastfeeding journey!

تم الرفع

بواسطة Charlotteann483

من Suffolk

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


The nipple shields have saved my breastfeeding journey! I was so sore and not wanting to feed due to the pain and I was skeptical as to how my baby would latch onto the shield and not cause confusion but also relieve some of my pain, but there was no need to worry as my baby latched with no problems. The shield is a good size for the nipple to be pulled into for the feed and also the soft silicone teat moulds into baby's mouth. I would highly recommend having shields to help with any pain and discomfort.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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What a great idea!

تم الرفع

بواسطة Harmonyb

من Essex

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


I was really surprised with the nipple shields, they attach really well and definitely help with that sore nipples when you first start breastfeeding, baby took to it really well, overall I think they are a great idea and great product!

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Comfort is key

تم الرفع

بواسطة Hudson3

من Hertfordshire

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


i got these a little while ago for my partner as she was breastfeeding and complaining how sore it was. I came across these and thought we should try it! OMG!!! My partner said it was the best thing since the tommee tippee prep machine! She has told me (every time she feeds) that she feels nothing but comfort (instead of teeth!) Now she actually enjoys breastfeeding and can relax with baby and have a real bonding moment every time. Would highly recommend to anyone wanting to breastfeed!

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Sleek design but for me didn't work

تم الرفع

بواسطة Lorraine A

من Aberdeen

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


Really hoped that this would help with my bf journey, but unfortunately it wasn't to be.

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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Simple and Effective

تم الرفع

بواسطة JVH15

من Kent

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


This was the first time using nipple shields and I have been breastfeeding my daughter for 21 months now. I thought I would try them just to see what the experience was like using shields and they was very easy to use. Fitted perfectly and my daughter didn't mind using them even though she has never used them before, she latched fine and nursed perfectly with them. I was happy that the shields were BPA free and easy to clean and store.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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These are a must

تم الرفع

بواسطة Gemz

من Doncaster

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


if it wasn't for these shields I would have been able to continue breastfeeding. They stopped me getting sore and cracked nipples. Would definitely recommend to anyone who is thinking of giving up breastfeeding

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Simple and easy to use!

تم الرفع

بواسطة JBloom

من Hertfordshire

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


I have struggled with breastfeeding and pain when doing it, I found these really easy to use and wear. They're soft feeling and create a nice barrier. They're also really easy to clean, a really simple solution!

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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