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تقسيم على دفعات 4 بدون فوائد بقيمة AED 13.75. يتعلم أكثر
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  • لمسة سحرية: شفرات بحواف مستديرة تساعدك على القص بدون جروح
  • قص بسهولة: مقابض غير متماثلة تناسب مستخدمات اليد اليمنى أو اليسرى للتحكم في القص بدقة
  • استخدام محكم: مقبض عملي للتحكم الكامل بدون الحاجة إلى دفع أصابعك في المقابض الصغيرة
  • مناسبة لإلهاء الطفل: مقبض وحافظة تخزين 2 في 1 يمكن للطفل حملها أثناء القص حتى يقلل من الحركة
  • قص دقيق: تصميم خالٍ من مادة بيسفينول أ وشفرات من الستانلس ستيل 

يتضمن المنتج: مقص أظافر وعبوة للإمساك والتخزين 

عرض المزيد

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109 عروضكتابة عرض
من المستطلعين سوف يوصون بهذا لصديق

توزيع التقييمات

العرض الإيجابي الأكثر إعجاباً

Take the fear out of cutting the tiniest nails!

I had the opportunity to utilize Frida Baby Easy Grip Nail Scissors on my 7-month-old daughter multiple times. Although I typically utilize standard baby nail clippers to trim my children's nails, I thought it might be nice to give the nail scissor a try. The Frida Baby brand is trusted greatly in...


العرض السلبي الأكثر إعجاباً

I wouldn't waste your money.

Second pair in a year and does not work! The first pair I got worked great until they completely broke out of the silicone. Customer service was great and sent another one but unfortunately the scissors do not open enough where I can't cut my little ones nails.

تم عرضه بواسطة 109 عملاء

Trusted brand

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بواسطة Redstars36

من Hampton Falls, NH

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I love all of the frida baby products so far. I am always so nervous to trim my little ones nails and they hate it just as much. These made it simple and there was overall a little less fussing.

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Unique Design

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بواسطة MariaB

من Dayton, OH

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I dread cutting my toddler's nails and I was really hoping that I would be more impressed with these scissors. I am a huge fan of all other Fridababy products. Unfortunately I didn't find much of an advantage over regular mail clippers. The blades aren't very sharp and they don't provide an accurate trim. On a positive note the scissors have a very comfortable grip. My toddler is always entertained by the case which is a brilliant design.

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The only nail clippers you will need

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بواسطة RJeanne

من Iowa

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I have had these for a month down and I love them. I have a 2year old and an 11 month old. I know how to clip their nails without hurting them but it's a hassle. I was unsure of the Frida nail scissors. I tested out to see if I could cut myself before I used them on my kids and I couldn't. As for the case it does help distract the kids while I cut the nails on the opposite hand making it less of a hassle. I would recommend getting a file for the nails after cutting. You still get a little bit of a sharp edge just like a pair of nail clippers give.

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Great nail clippers

تم الرفع

بواسطة Emmaly

من Houston, TX

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تم عرضه في


Gone are the days of being scared to cut my baby's nails. I wish I had known about this product when I had my first baby. These are super easy to use and I don't struggle as much as opposed to when i use regular nail clippers. The case for the clippers is great so I don't end up losing these plus baby loves to hold onto it while i clip her nails!

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تم الرفع

بواسطة MamaRog

من undisclosed

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These make cutting babies nails so much easier! I always struggled getting close enough to clip without cutting the end of their fingers. These little scissors are precise and easy to control. I am sold on these and will definitely be buying these for a of the baby showers I go to from now on.

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Easy solution to a hard task

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بواسطة adadr89

من Irvine, CA, United States

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Nothing gives me anxiety like cutting my baby's nails. I'm constantly concerned that I am going to cause pain by cutting skin or accidentally maim my child as she fidgets while I manicure her nails. Of course, the alternative is that she cuts herself, scratching her face with her razor like claws. As such, I was excited to see that Fridababy had a product designed to take on the task as I've used a number of the brand's products over multiple years (and multiple kids) with great success. My experience with these nail scissors was consistent, another product that makes a daunting parenting task easier. I initially thought the scissors felt unnatural in my hand, but I adjusted quickly and was feeling confident by the third or fourth finger. The scissors are easy to use and easy to grip providing a lot of control for a safer trim. The process is fast and allows me cut my baby's nails in one swift motion rather than stop and start. I appreciate that the scissors are designed to stay open unless the handle is squeezed. And while my child is too young to grasp the storage case as a distraction, I think it's a brilliant feature that will come in handy in the future.

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Easy and Safe

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بواسطة Ami 34

من Victoria,TX

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I had used baby nail clippers for my baby until I got these. I was always worried my fingers would slip and she'd get cut using clippers, but I do not have that fear with these nail scissors. For one thing they come in a plastic cover that is very difficult to pull out of accidentally or if a baby got a hold of it. They have a very soft silicon handle that is easy to squeeze so I can focus on where I'm cutting. My baby likes to hold the cover which provides a great distraction for me to cut her finger nails without her trying to grab the scissors. The rounded tip on the scissors for safety so I do not accidentally poke her finger while trying to cut just right. Perfect for parents of babies, especially newborns, who may be nervous about cutting their baby's nails.

Easy and Safe
Trimming nails
Easy and Safe
Front of package
Easy and Safe
Ready to trim
Easy and Safe
back of package
Easy and Safe
Cover in hand

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Wasn't a fan

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بواسطة Natty

من Massachusetts

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I love fridababy products and everything , but wasn't a fan of these nail scissors . I used them on both my kids one is 10 months one is 2 it didn't really cut at all and maybe it's because they are to old now ? But it was harder to keep them still during the process unlike regular nail clippers , actually for my kids they stay still and prefer nail clippers over the scissors but that's just my experience, my kids just did better with clippers .

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Easy to use

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بواسطة Maridolie

من FL

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I tried different type of nail clipper but the Frida easy grip nail scissors were the easiest to use. You wont be afraid to cut the delicate nails of your newborn as it has rubber grips and made for the little ones. I can use it with my toddler

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It didnt qork for my daughter nails

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بواسطة DianaMarie11

من MI

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my daughters nail are super long and grow fast. I followed directions but for some reason they did not cut any part of my daughters nails. Seems not sharp enough to catch. I get it there bqby scissors, but i could get anything off. I do like the design however super easy grip. Would making trimming nails easy based on design.

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