مجموعة لهايات الفطام باسي من فريدا بيبي

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تقسيم على دفعات 4 بدون فوائد بقيمة AED 33.75. يتعلم أكثر
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يوصي أطباء الأسنان بتخلص الطفل من عادة استخدام اللهاية عند بلوغ 12 شهرًا. لقد أضفنا البحوثات العلمية إلى عملية الفطام مع هذا النظام المكون من 5 خطوات للتخلص من استخدام اللهاية للأبد. تتميز كل لهاية بتصميم أقصر تدريجيًا وتقلل رغبته في المص حتى يتخلص الطفل من الرغبة في استخدامها. لن تحتاجي إلى استخدام المقص!


  • نظام من 5 خطوات: يقلل الرغبة في المص تدريجيًا للفطام من حلمات تقويم الأسنان
  • تصميم أطباء الأسنان: صممت بواسطة أطباء أسنان الأطفال
  • تساعد على التخلص من اللهاية: أكثر فاعلية مع الأطفال أقل من 12 شهرًا 
  • خالية من مادة بيسفينول أ: خالية من اللاتكس وبيسفينول أ وحلمات من السيليكون

يتضمن المنتج: 5 لهايات تقويم أسنان من ابتكار أطباء الأسنان بتصميمات يقل طولها مع كل مرحلة

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توزيع التقييمات

العرض الإيجابي الأكثر إعجاباً

Good quality

The pacifiers were good quality I do like them they were the perfect type for my daughter it's the type she likes I was kind of iffy because they do have holes in them which means that the babies are sucking air my daughter did not like that so much but she still took it you can hear it's an amazing...


العرض السلبي الأكثر إعجاباً

Works okay

I received a sample Fridababy Paci Weaning System set for free from TryItSampling, and so far the paci's have worked fairly well. My eleven month old daughter is very attached to her pacis, and has multiple ones stashed around the house. We are taking it slow with the system, and I've found out the ...

تم عرضه بواسطة 60 عملاء

Fridababy's products are different

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بواسطة Air1

من New Haven, CT

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When receiving this Paci weaning system i thought how neat to have a product like this for once to try out! So far on step paci needy but its doing the job with what its meant to do so far! I have never liked pacifiers but this right here hopefully will do the job to get my baby off them!

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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بواسطة linaindallas

من Dallas, TX

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I was super excited to try this system with my little one. We are finally getting close to getting rid of the pacifier for bedtimes/naptimes, so this is perfect for us. It comes with the different size pacis, and it should work to officially get rid of a pacifier in about 7-8 days. Super innovative and great quality - love this and Frida baby brand!

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Great Weaning System

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بواسطة Charms240

من Arlington Tx

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Ive been trying this fridababy paci weaning system for sometime and I must say it worked to get my 2 year old off the pacifier but my own personal complaint was that the pacifiers started off too small at least for my son. The pacifiers are great quality very soft and great value Love that that they are labeled by colorful numbers to not get a busy mom confused. The first week took 2 days to get him to accept the pacifier it was a bit small for his taste but still used it and from there I followed the instructions to step 1 paci crazy to step 5 paci see ya it was quite fun to see how my child reacted to each different pacifier. I changed them at night for he wont notice a difference,around paci neutral step 3 he was having a hard time putting in his mouth and out many times but by step 4 paci meh he was paying less attention to it and when we did step 5 paci see ya he said trash and he got rid of it and threw in the trash himself it was funny. The next day he remembered and said paci gone trash and we are doing great now he doesnt want one anymore I offer him the first one to see how he handles it and says no no nasty So im happy to say this weaning system helped us get rid of the pacifier.

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An ingenious way to wean your babe

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بواسطة AnonEmus

من Michigan

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I thought the set was pretty clever, gradually weaning babe off of paci. I noticed my boy likes to fall asleep with it, I suppose he enjoys it a lot :) I ran thru sanitary cycle on my dishwasher( hot water, hot dry) and they came out perfrct and ready to suck lol The sililcone so far seems durable as my baby like to do the ole chomp and pull with nipples/pacis.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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بواسطة Lady D

من USA

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It was such a relief to finally find a trustworthy system to start weining our daughter off of her beloved pacifiers. We knew we wanted to start the process, but didn't want to take them away cold turkey.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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I love fridababy products

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بواسطة DianaMarie11

من MI

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I recieved this a little over a week ago, i begain using the first step. Now my daughters super picky on her pacis, the step one she wanted nothing to with so i tried step two. She noticed a difference but was ok with it. However since step two she wont take any other step. She has screamed at me for her normal paci. I really like the concept and i believe it will work l, however my child is stubborn hence why i still gave 5 stars. I think the designs are unique, seems like they will work to help rid the paci. I like the idea of these its just taking me longer then i though.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Great system

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بواسطة Rheller

من Shelbyville in

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My son is almost 2 and still loves his pacifier. We decided he needs to learn to not love it and we tried these pacifiers. We gave him the first one and he hated it. He took it out of his mouth and threw it on the counter. Needless to say he doesn't want a pacifier anymore.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Love this product!

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بواسطة Hunter57

من Texas

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Recently got this paci weaning system to help my daughter kick her paci habits. She just turned one and wanted to start the process of getting rid of the paci. I love that this system has different stages and paci gets shorter. Love the concept and the fact I'm not having to destroy the other paci's I bought in the process in case I wanted to use for our next baby. We've only completed the first two stages but I'm impressed so far with how it's going! Can't recommend this enough if your trying to break the paci habit.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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We love BabyFrida!

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بواسطة broccolirob

من Austin, TX

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It was such a relief to finally find a trustworthy system to start weining our daughter off of her beloved pacifiers. We knew we wanted to start the process, but didn't want to take them away cold turkey. We're optomistic to try this system after reading encouraging reviews.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Good quality

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بواسطة Kendall77

من Gulf shores al

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تم عرضه في


The pacifiers were good quality I do like them they were the perfect type for my daughter it's the type she likes I was kind of iffy because they do have holes in them which means that the babies are sucking air my daughter did not like that so much but she still took it you can hear it's an amazing idea and it's a pretty good idea for weaning a baby off of pacifier

Good quality
Little hole in this one

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