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تقسيم على دفعات 4 بدون فوائد بقيمة AED 434.75. يتعلم أكثر
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من المعروف أن الرضاعة الطبيعية ليست أمرًا سهلاً بالنسبة لجميع الأمهات، لذا تقدم تومي تيبي شفاط الحليب ميد فور مي الكهربائي خصيصًا لتمنحك تجربة رضاعة سهلة ومريحة. يأتي بتصميم محمول لا يحتاج إلى استخدام يديك لتتمكني من شفط الحليب بسهولة أثناء أداء مهامك اليومية. يتميز الشفاط بتقنية ConstantComfort الذكية لمحاكاة حركة فم طفلك أنثاء الرضاعة لتحفيز الحليب على التدفق بصورة لطيفة وطبيعية، كما تساعد في تثبيت الشفاط في مكانه لشفط الحليب بفاعلية وثبات.

من الضروري أثناء عملية الشفط أن تجلسي في وضعية مريحة بالنسبة لك وتسمح بتدفق الحليب في الوقت نفسه. سيساعدك ضوء تعديل وضعية الحلمة على تثبيتها في الوضعية الصحيحية حتى في ظروف الإضاءة المنخفضة. تتوافق زجاجة جمع الحليب مع حلمات كلوزر تو نيتشر الشبيهة بالثدي لتحويل شفاط الحليب إلى زجاجة رضاعة على الفور لإرضاع صغيرك مباشرة دون الحاجة إلى نقل الحليب إلى زجاجة أخرى. ويأتي بحلقة لولبية وحلمة لإرضاع طفلك في أي مكان.

احصلي على معلومات عن الشفاط الخاص بك من خلال التطبيق الذي يقوم بمتابعة كمية الحليب التي تم شفطها وتوقع كمية الحليب من كل ثدي، كما يمكنك التحكم في الشفاط عن بعد وتحديد مستوى شدة التدليك وشفط. بعد الانتهاء من عملية الشفط يضيف التطبيق المعلومات تلقائيًا إلى صفحة المتابعة التي يمكن عرضها وفقًا لكل 24 ساعة أو 5 أيام. يمكنك شحن شفاط الحليب بسهولة باستخدام كابل USB والقابس المتعدد. عند اكتمال الشحن سيمنحك معدل شفط 12 مرة × 20 دقيقة بإجمالي 4 ساعات. سيصلك إشعارًا بانخفاض البطارية قبل وقت كافي من انتهاء عملية الشفط لشحن الجهاز. يتكون الجهاز من سبعة أجزاء سهلة التركيب والتنظيف، وجميعها أمنة للاستخدام في غسالة الأطباق أو المعقم ما عدا جسم الشفاط الرئيسي لضمان تنظيفها قبل كل استخدام.

خصائص المنتج:

  • من المعروف أن الرضاعة الطبيعية ليست أمرًا سهلاً بالنسبة لجميع الأمهات، لذا تقدم تومي تيبي شفاط الحليب ميد فور مي الكهربائي خصيصًا لتمنحك تجربة رضاعة سهلة ومريحة. يأتي بتصميم محمول لا يحتاج إلى استخدام يديك لتتمكني من شفط الحليب بسهولة أثناء أداء مهامك اليومية.
  • يتميز الشفاط بتقنية ConstantComfort الذكية لمحاكاة حركة فم طفلك أنثاء الرضاعة لتحفيز الحليب على التدفق بصورة لطيفة وطبيعية، كما تساعد في تثبيت الشفاط في مكانه لشفط الحليب بفاعلية وثبات.

عرض المزيد

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توزيع التقييمات

العرض الإيجابي الأكثر إعجاباً

Game changing

Wow all I can say is wow , as a breast feeding mum this is a massive game changer , let's start with the breast pumps themselves they are easy to use , the pumps themselves just slide easily into your bra ( if you find them squished they provide you with a bra adapter so it will fit all types which ...


العرض السلبي الأكثر إعجاباً

Tommee Tippee Made for Me Single Electric Wearable

I liked the idea of this breast pump as an option for expressing when I'm back at work however being honest I was quite disappointed. The breast pump comes in a lovely box and has a useful carry bag for storing the breast pump in when not in use. Unboxing the product, there was a lot of elements, i...

تم عرضه بواسطة 88 عملاء

Breast Pump

تم الرفع

بواسطة Michelle

من North Somerset

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


The wearable breast pump is great as you can wear it while you get on and do others things. No wires so less to wash. You download the app ajd connect via Bluetooth. That lets you control the different express levels.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Good wearable pump. Just a couple small issues

تم الرفع

بواسطة EJL1990

من Leicestershire, East Midlands

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


This wearable breast pump is good. Had a few issues to start with connecting it to the app but after a couple of attempts I got it connected. The pump is a little heavy when in your bra so make sure to use the bra extender strap provided to help keep the pump in place. Being able to track how much you pump via the app was a great feature although at times I found the amounts the app said I had pumped didn't match to what was in the pump. Being able to use the bottle from the pump to feed straight to baby is an amazing bonus, no having to swap the milk from bottle to another. I would say the bottle is a little awkward to clean, seemed to always have a little bit of water that wouldn't pour out, had to give it a good shake to get it out. Overall a good pump, with a couple of small niggles.

Good wearable pump. Just a couple small issues
App example
Good wearable pump. Just a couple small issues
Wearable Pump
Good wearable pump. Just a couple small issues
Pump ready to feed bottle.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Great pump and free excellent support too!

تم الرفع

بواسطة Joanne

من Bristol

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


This pump is so easy to use and very comfortable. The nipple size guide is such a great idea. I needed a smaller horn, which Tommee tippee send out for free. This is such great customer service. You get a free 1:1 session to help you with any questions or concerns you have regarding the pump or how to use it. It's very easy to use, so you may not need it but great that this provided for free. The pump works well and I was able to collect more milk than when I've used other makes. Plus I did this while cooking dinner! Rather than having to sit down and feel like I was loosing more of my precious time while my baby was asleep. Cannot recommend this pump enough, definitely worth the money!

Great pump and free excellent support too!
Great pump, worth the money!

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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My go to expressing pump!

تم الرفع

بواسطة ABayliss

من Romsey, Hampshire

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


This pump has made my expression journey so much easier! There are so many things that I love about this pump including the ease of use. The pump came with different sized horns as well as a measuring guide to know which sized horn would be best to use. This made ensure expressing was efficient from the get go and wasn't going to be painful. If neither of the horns were the correct size, tommee tippee provides other sizes for no additional cost which is amazing. When powered on, the pump has a red light to guide you to make sure you align everything correctly before you begin pumping. The charge life on the pump is great! Even after using the pump for 5 different pump sessions, I still had battery life left whereas I would normally need to charge my other pumps at this point. I was able to express really quickly with the tommee tippee pump which was great. I liked that it's a single unit so I didn't have to have any wires draping down anywhere either! The only thing I found with the pump is it is quite bulky when in the bra but if it doesn't bother you then it's not a deal breaker. Tommee tippee also offer a lot of support with the pump - emailing with guides to set up the pump and providing 1-to-1 support sessions. The app is also super easy to use allowing you to see how much milk you've pumped as well as being able to start and stop the pumping session without having to go into your bra to do so. I would 100% recommend this pump. It's efficient, works extremely well hands free, has excellent battery life and comes with added extras such as bra straps to help with support, a bag to store it in and different sized horns.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Great pump

تم الرفع

بواسطة Marsi

من Leigh on Sea

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


Great wearable breast pump allows me to do some chores while expressing milk. The pumps are quite big but adjusters provided helped me to fit them securely inside the bra. This hands free pump saved me a lot of time as I'm not stuck to the chair while collecting milk. One minus is hard to fasten cap to the bottle

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Good but not great

تم الرفع

بواسطة Hall-e

من Bedfordshire

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تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


I have found these breast pumps to be good but not excellent. The fact that they are wearable allowing you to pump on the go is great however they are quite bulky and being a larger breasted lady I actually couldn't really be too mobile when expressing. Suction was strong when I was sat still and had time to really focus on pumping however I have been more successful in drawing milk supply quantities with other electric pumps. Setting up the pumps was a little confusing with the app however I did like the concept of what the app provides and was easy to use after a few attempts. Overall I think the idea and the design of what is intended with these pumps is great, but for the price bracket I expected more.

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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I wish I discovered it sooner!

تم الرفع

بواسطة Jess B

من Cheadle, Stockport

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


The BEST breast pump hands down! I love being able to have my hands free and move around whilst pumping, as when you pump multiple times a day it's so handy to be able to get other bits and bobs done around the house at the same time! It comes with two different sizes of inserts and you are able to order alternative sizes from the tommee tippee website if needed for free! It's really simple to measure what size you need as it comes with a measuring card. The breast pump pairs with your phone in the Tommee Tippee app and amazingly tracks all of your pumping, it's like a miracle in a box (or in your bra!) showing you how much milk you have expressed and keeping a record which is great to refer back to and see if there are any changes in your pumping sessions. It can even be controlled using your phone which is so convenient and simple to use. I often stress about app controlled technology, but this is so easy to set up and control, I had it paired and pumping in two minutes! It takes all over the brainpower and overthinking out of checking how much you've expressed and when, especially during the haze of baby brain. One of my favourite things about this breast pump is that it comes with teats to screw directly onto the pumped bottle of milk. This makes life SO much easier, rather than having to transfer the milk into a different bottle, you can feed straight from the breast pump one. Less faff, less washing and less sterilising! The bra strap extenders means that it fits with all of my bras and is really comfortable to wear. Highly recommend this to any mummy's out there who need that extra bit of freedom while pumping on the go - or on the sofa too, we always need our hands free us mummies!

I wish I discovered it sooner!
Comfortable shape to fit in your bra
I wish I discovered it sooner!
Attach teat for easy feeding

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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Absolutely Amazing!

تم الرفع

بواسطة Lily

من Norwich, Norfolk

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


This double wearable Tommee Tippee pump is absolutely made for me as a mum of three. It gives me the freedom to express milk while concentrating on other things especially with the well-designed shape that fits perfectly under the bra. Its function means that I can feed my daughter by just putting the teats on after expressing, hence saving time of cleaning and sterilising. The app is very helpful because I can use it to track the expressed amount as well as controling the intensity and modes of the pump without needing to take them out. When using for the first time, I found it a bit difficult to set it up. I think instructions could be clearer and simpler, but once you get used to it, it works perfectly. One of my favourite features is the light guide which allows me to position the pump on the nipple perfectly so I can still express in the dark next to my baby without turning the light on, while the noise output is minimal so nothing will wake her up. Overall, I am absolutely satisfied with It. I wish I had it before. Definitely recommend.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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تم الرفع

بواسطة Saurabh

من East london

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تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


The product is good. Suction speed mimics baby style. I believe the product is not designed for women with small nipples. I think the designers can think of redesigning the product for asian women. Not stereotyping but giving a genuine review

الخط الأسفل لا لن أوصي به لصديق

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Brilliants Hands Free Pump

تم الرفع

بواسطة Tash

من Nottingham, East Midlands

مراجع مُصدَّق

تم الرفع كجزء من دخول اليانصيب

تم عرضه في


Overall I love the product, the app you use with it is helpful. The pump itself is handy as you don't need to be still for it to do it's job, although I did find it quite bulky and not very discreet!.

الخط الأسفل نعم, سوف أوصي به لصديق

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